Turkey Deep Fryers

If you are at all like most folks, then you were probably quite shocked when you first heard about somebody who prepared for their Thanksgiving dinner by deep frying the turkey. However, in the last few years, this has become a somewhat popular trend in cooking, at least in the southern states. Moreover, the fact of the matter is that there are some valid reasons why turkey deep fryers are an increasingly popular way of cooking the Thanksgiving bird.

This method of cooking turkeys has actually become so popular in some parts of the country, being primarily down in the Deep South, that there are now specialty deep fat fryers that are built to handle the deep-frying of a whole turkey. These turkey deep fryers are extra large and have the kind of oil capacity to be able to completely submerge a whole bird that is up to about twenty pounds in weight.

What surprises most folks about the food that emerges from these turkey fryers is that the turkey itself is not at all greasy, which is exactly what most folks assume would be the case. Instead, the cooking process involved in using a turkey deep fryer in reality rapidly seals the outside of the bird leaving the meat incredibly moist and juicy.

King Kooker Turkey Deep FryerAt the same time, a turkey fryer makes the skin of the turkey incredibly crisp and delicious and for some folks, that is their new favorite part of the holiday spread. The experts at deep-frying whole turkeys say that one of their secret tricks to keeping the bird so juicy and full of flavor is to inject the turkey with various types of sauces, seasonings, and flavorings before dropping the whole lot into the sizzling vat of deep fryer oil.

Some examples of the types of seasonings and flavor additions that many use to infuse their deep fried turkeys before putting them into a turkey fryer are things such as: a bottle of liquid garlic juice; Cajun Sunshine sauce, or Tiger sauce. According to various cooks who have experimented with injecting such things, it is ultimately up to the chef and their tastes and just about anything can be added to increase the flavor component of the turkey.

Whatever type of additional seasonings are injected into the turkey before it is submerged in to the depths of a turkey fryer, the main benefit is that the seasonings will be sealed into the turkey almost immediately and will not cook off. They will simply permeate deeper into the bird as it goes through the deep frying process.

There are already a number of turkey fryers on the market that have become available in the short time since the idea of deep frying turkey was introduced. The King Kooker is the most popular brand of turkey deep fryer and it comes as a complete kit. It includes a large cooking vat, a burner, thermometer, and cooking basket for easily getting the bird in and out of the deep fryer oil. All models of turkey deep fryers are for outdoor use only and can be purchased at stores that carry barbecues.